You deserve to be happy

Sheltering in place during this pandemic has given most of us more time with our loved ones. Some couples have found that this has given them time to reconnect and become close all over again. It has enriched their sex lives, improved their communication and increased their family time, blossoming the relationship. While some relationships have flourished, others may have realized how much they really didn't know one another and how the time that they were spending apart may have actually been the only thing that was keeping them together.

This time serves as a great opportunity for self reflection and self realization. It's a time to slow down, prioritize and reflect upon any necessary changes that you want to make in your life, moving forward.

Are you really happy in your relationship?

Are you really where you want to be?

If the answer to both of those questions is yes then that's great! However, if your answer was yes, but…” or no then you may need to take some time to reflect upon what you really want in a relationship.

Make a list of the things that matter to you the most in a relationship, and include the things you feel would be essential to fostering a fulfilling relationship. Use this list as a guide. If more than half of your expectations are not being fullfilled, it may be time to make some changes. Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you want to change what you're looking for in a relationship?

Does the relationship or situationship that you're currently in have potential?

Is it time to move on?


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