Womanhood today

Womanhood today is definitely not easy.  We are expected to do many things as well as continue to be the nurturing, compassionate caregivers that we are supposed to be naturally. Some women are hard on themselves when they feel like they are not living up to this; However we are in a time where  women are expected to really do and be so much more. It’s easy to find yourself not being exactly the most nurturing and caring person at times because you’re consumed with your own issues.  Sometimes you may ask yourself if it’s even possible. Today Most women are independent and supporting themselves, some are single parents and the head of their households, Some are very successful power players that even have trouble finding a man who can deal with their level of success, Some are trying to juggle being a good mother, a good wife, contributing to the household, attending their kids ball games, staying in shape etc. and even cooking good meals. Some are just trying to find meaningful relationships and love. Some women are dealing with sordid pasts that they just want to forget about while searching for healing. They’re walking around emotionally scarred and torn and just trying to find themselves. Though we all have our own issues and things that we’re dealing with at the end of the day we all want the same thing which is to be happy. We all have our own idea of what happiness is and what we need in our lives to truly be happy, but the real problem arises when all we focus on is what we’re unhappy about. When we choose to focus on everything that’s wrong with our lives, everything that we’re not and everything we don’t have it can lead to a whole host of other issues. Now this holds true for everybody and is not limited to women; however since we tend to be more emotional beings when we are unhappy or depressed the whole household feels it. In a sense we can set or change the mood real quick. We’ve all heard the saying Happy wife, Happy life. Well that is very true  so here are some things that you can do to  help you overcome stress and depression:

1.) Exercise (preferably outdoors because nature is beautiful and sunshine or nice cool breeze can make your experience more enjoyable.)

2.) Try to only be around positive people. If there is someone in your life that’s bringing the negativity and making you feel worse then that isn’t the person you need to be around when you’re not in a positive place emotionally.

3.) Pray for spiritual healing.

4.) Talk to someone that you can confide in and be transparent.

5.) Stop beating yourself up for not being superwoman and not meeting the expectations of society and or other people, Do the best that you can at being you. Don’t add unnecessary stress to your life.

6.) Focus on the woman that you are now and not who you were in the past. Everything that you’ve experienced so far in life has gotten you to the point you are at now. Every new day is a chance to start fresh!

7.) Stop comparing yourself to other people and Do the best that you can at being you. Compete with yourself and just keep improving. Your life journey is unique to you and no one else.

8.) Think about all the things in your life that are good and right and all the great things about you.
Focus on the things that are working out rather than what’s not working out.

Stress and depression are a part of life. These feelings will come and go, but anything we can do to help decrease those feelings is great. Every woman’s journey is different so Just take as much positivity out of this article and apply what you can to your life to help you live a happier, healthier and fuller life.


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