The importance of having a healthy Self esteem

SELF ESTEEM: Confidence in ones own worth or abilities; Self respect. Having faith and believing in yourself.

It's important for all of us as human beings to have a healthy self esteem, but in this article I'm going to focus on the importance of women having good self esteem and how it affects every aspect of our lives. It is the center of every choice that we make such as friendships, relationships, career choices, whether we take risk or not and even how we feel about other women. When you aren't sure of yourself as a woman and lack confidence you may find yourself being envious of other women. You may catch yourself looking at another woman who appears to have it all together as if it's a negative thing. Things that are positive such as a woman that always dresses nice, has an amazing sense of style, beautiful face, nice figure, looks physically fit and always has her hair done or looks flawless could possibly be misinterpreted as a her being conceited or thinking that she's all that, but mainly from another woman who may be insecure. A woman that is confident and knows who she is has no problem complimenting and uplifting this type of woman. Some women keep themselves together and carry themselves a certain way in order to feel good about themselves and promote healthy self esteem.

The ugly thing about about being an insecure woman though is that it doesn't stop there. It goes from focusing on ones outer appearance to becoming toxic very quickly. Some women find themselves actually hating other women for the attention that they get from men or other people, their level of success, god given gifts such as beauty, talent, naturally nice figures and the list goes on and on.


When a woman isn't sure of herself she'll find herself allowing a man to disrespect her and do things to her that she wouldn't normally accept. Experiencing things that don't make her feel good or positive about herself at all. Things that cause her to question herself and wonder does he think i'm pretty enough? What if he doesn't think that my body is nice enough? What is wrong with me?

She'll find herself looking at herself as the problem focusing on her flaws instead of the fact that maybe he just wasn't the right man for her in the first place. What if he sensed that she was insecure and vulnerable and that's why he pursued more with or from her in the first place?

Lack of confidence can also affect you in the work place, trying to achieve your career goals and even chasing your dreams. Dreams that you have had in your heart eversince you were a little girl.It will  cause you to doubt yourself and discourage you from pursuing that promotion, pitching that idea to the higher ups or even applying for that position.You will feel like you're not good enough and think of a bunch of other people that are much more qualified than you are, a better fit.
It is a dream killer because it will cause you to think of all of the reasons you can't make your dreams come true
                   -Lack of money
                   -Lack of resources
                   -Build/Body type/Looks
                   -Lack of knowledge
                   -No connections

At the end of the day all low self esteem does is hurt you and hold you back from greatness in life. It can stop you from reaching your full potential because of negativity.

God made us all unique and gave us everything that he wanted us to have, he also gave us the ability to use those things in a positive way so that he can add more blessings to our lives. It's wrong to not love ourselves and recognize how awesome god made us.Love yourself unconditionally and unapologetically everyday.  



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